Privacy Policy

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, as accessing this website and providing your personal data implies your knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained herein.

Who is responsible for collecting and processing the data?

Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda is the entity responsible for collecting and processing personal data and may, within the scope of its activity, use entities subcontracted by it for the purposes indicated herein.

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information of any nature and regardless of its medium, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person is one who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

What personal data is collected and processed?

Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda collects and processes, among other things, the following personal data: name, telephone number and e-mail address.

Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda assumes that the data has been provided by the data subject or that the data subject has given their authorisation to do so, and assumes that the data is true and up to date.

What personal data is collected and processed?

Personal data may be collected by the following means:
· Email;
· Website;
· Phone calls;
· In person;
· Through applications ("apps") installed on mobile devices.

The data collected is processed and stored by computer and in strict compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data and is stored in a specific database created for this purpose by Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda or by the entities it subcontracts.

Some of the personal data collected on the website must be filled in and, if this data is missing or insufficient, Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda may not be able to provide you with the services or information you have requested. In each specific case, Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda will inform you of the mandatory nature of providing the personal data in question.

What personal data is collected and processed?

Your data will be included in a personal data file that Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda may use for the following purposes:
· Recruitment;
· Address book;
· Profile update;
· Sending newsletters;
· User's opinion;
· Suggestions and complaints;
· Budget request;
· Advertising in our media;
· Buying transport tickets;
· Membership of transport cards;
· Net Invoices;
· Profiling;
· Lost and Found;
· Compliance with other legal or regulatory obligations;
· Carrying out market research, evaluation surveys and statistical analyses.

For the purposes identified above, Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda may interconnect the data collected in order to update and complete said data.

With whom is your data shared?

The data collected and held by Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda may be transmitted, with respect for the duty of confidentiality and the principle of the purpose for which it was collected, to the following entities:
· Entities of the group to which Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda belongs;
· Judicial or administrative authorities, in cases where such transfer is compulsory;
· Recruitment and selection companies;
· Subcontractors who will process the data on behalf of Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda and in accordance with the purposes determined by the latter.

What are your rights?

Under the terms of the Personal Data Protection Act, we guarantee you the right to access, update, rectify, delete, portability and erasure of your personal data.

We also give you the right to object to the use of the data provided for marketing purposes, for sending informative communications or for inclusion on lists or information services.

If you did not do so when the data was collected, you can send a request later.
Exercise of these rights should be done via the following e-mail address .

How long is your data stored for?

The period of time for which data is stored and kept varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed. Whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will only be stored and kept for the minimum period necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or further processed, after which it will be deleted.

Is your data processed securely?

Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda is committed to protecting the security of your data. To this end, it has adopted various technical and organisational security measures in order to protect the personal data you provide against its dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised processing or access, as well as against any other form of unlawful processing. Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda requires its subcontractors and partners to adopt security measures equivalent to those it practises.
Notwithstanding the security measures practised by Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda, the user must adopt additional security measures, namely ensuring that they use equipment and a browser that is up-to-date in terms of security and properly configured, with an active firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware, and make sure that the sites they visit on the internet are authentic, avoiding websites whose reputation they do not trust.


Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda acknowledges that it may communicate Users' data within the scope of any merger, acquisition and/or incorporation processes in which it is involved. Such communication is not considered to be a transfer of data to third parties, nor is there any subcontracted processing.

Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda may also transmit data to third parties in the context of investigations, enquiries and judicial and/or administrative proceedings or of a similar nature, provided that it is duly ordered to do so by court order.

Data transfer

In the event of data transfers to third countries that do not belong to the European Union or the European Economic Area, Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda will comply with the law, in particular with regard to the suitability of the destination country for the protection of personal data and the requirements applicable to such transfers, and personal data will not be transferred to jurisdictions that do not offer guarantees of security and protection.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Loureirostour - Viagens & Turismo, Lda reserves the right to make adjustments or changes to this Privacy Policy at any time, and such changes will be duly publicised on this website.